Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Never shop hungry

Never go shopping before a meal
This is what happens
I start out trying to be healthy
Love these crackers of butternut

Then go sweet with high energy coconut. Banana chips mix

Then all you know what breaks loose 
I mean who doesn't love toffee popcorn

So then I meandered to another section of the store
Still food but I gotta grow it
Always wanted to grow garlic
I use it in everything but my morning oatmeal
Ha ha

And onions will be nice 
As they mature I will dry some and braid to keep and chop some and freeze for easy prep

And would ya lookue here
How pretty us this hat yarn

And at this price I got 2 colors
1.50.   It's in my budget
Love it

These guys will hopefully grow in my side garden
Or maybe one in front
I got 2 of them

Look how pretty

If I add a little each year eventually I can have a pretty garden
These were 5 bucks

Do you shop hungry?
I spent a lot
But got pots to plant veggies

Gonna try and put onion sets in windowbox planters
Hey last time I tried squash in containers and got a great crop

You never know 
What's in your garden this year?

I have onions,garlic,microgreens,dill, kale
Peppers. Tomatoes
And will get basil.  Thyme. Maybe oregano

All fun to grow and dry



  1. I usually shop after work. By then I am tired and just want to get out of the store so I am laser focused. If we plant anything it will be tomatoes maybe some cucumbers and zucchini, but not much else.

  2. Oh that is so funny--I try not to shop when i am hungry--but then, I am pretty much always hungry hahaha
    I love those peonies--such a lovely soft pink color...they take a while to learn to like their spot..Mine I transplanted when we first moved here and it stubbornly refulse to bloom for two years--but then it settled in ok...
    I love those different crackers, too... I hope to go shopping for the 1st time since last July this week,,,fingers crossed..hugs-for fun snacking this week Julierose

  3. You are going to have fun with your growing things. As far as snacks go, we all need a little of it. I try not to shop hungry but when I do I buy things I wouldn't normally buy.

  4. You got some great stuff! I love the yarn and the peonies. Your snacks look pretty healthy to me. Enjoy them!

  5. 🍍 Looks like some yummy snacks! I've not ever saw the butternut crackers or the high energy mix. They look super yummy though! All kinds of popcorn is good. 🧄🧅Your garlic & onion will grow well. Your Peonies are going to be so pretty! 🌸🌺 Plants are fun!

  6. Pretty yarn! Do you have a plan for it? I make my shopping list, put it in the order of the store and go for it....hoping I don't get distracted LOL
