Friday, June 5, 2020

Still stress sewing

More stress sewing yielded this cute pouch
In pretty spring colors 
Handy for organizing
Made with 2.5 squares
And scraps for lining 

Two more stitched and ready to quilt

One in pretty pinks

One in red white snd blue

I think i have officially become a bag lady


  1. Such an adorable little pouch. I was a bag lady once :)

  2. Just adorable pouches--I love using them for my embroidery projects--they hold everything together--I could use a good "body sized" pouch to hold "ME" together these days--say What?'^)))

    TGIF Dawnie..hugs from afar Julierose

  3. Your projects are looking wonderful. I think zipper pouches are extremely useful.
    Yes, stress is good to work out with projects.
    I think all the 'stay at home' orders brought out the crazies in a lot of people. I think this unrest is part of the 'breaking out' phase.
    We all react differently to stressful situations. Some people react violently to stress. It's best to stay away from that unless you're willing to pay the price.
