Saturday, June 27, 2020

My new to do list

Anyone else make to do lists
Or honey do lists?
This is on my list
Since we spiffed up things a bit now I need
To clean and paint this wishing well that Dad made
My biggest issue was what color?
Thinking some sort of combo  with white gray and black maybe 
Gotta decide and do it

Gotta revisit my farmgirl blocks and add some of these from the new book I got 
Love that truck!

This guy has been more clingy than normal
Even petting him results in this
Love him to pieces but need a little space sometimes

I think when i was home from work he liked that and now isnt happy I go
To work

Enjoying these beauties
Hi MOM!!!

I will let  you enjoy them too with me.

Do you have a to do list?
Do you end up accomplishing tasks off that list?
Or do you sometimes do like me......
Make the list and do something else LOL

The rebel side of this girl I guess


  1. I have to make lists for everything or I get lost.

  2. Not a list maker; if i do make one, i usually just ignore it..maybe just writing items down frees me from worrying about them and I go on my way? I hope you enjoy your Saturday--clouded over here and getting really humid...doing my rain dance...
    Hugs from my recliner Julierose

  3. I try making lists but it doesn't always work out! I'm hoping we get some rain. Our lawn has lots of yellow in it. It's so cloudy today.

  4. I am a huge list maker...maker, not necessarily one who completes said list LOL. I've got to get back to my FGV quilt, too.
