Tuesday, September 3, 2019

What are these?

This past weekend I tried to get a little sewing in.
I sat and pulled strings and scraps from the overflowing bin
No mind to color 
Just grabbed the size i needed and sew and snip

So what are these

Tiny pieces of scrappy goodness 

Just waiting in the wings 

Do you know what they will become?

Good. Please tell me because I have no idea

But it was fun and relaxing to be able to sit and sew a spell


  1. Mindless sewing. I have been cutting for days it seems.

  2. I love sewing chunks of fabric together!!! It is mindless and there is no right or wrong! Plus the scraps don’t end up in the garbage!

  3. I love doing that...and I do it a lot--when I sort my little scraps I get waylaid by the "Scrappy Squirrel" and she makes me do it lol hugs, Julierose
