Saturday, September 28, 2019

Quilt show today.......whoot whoot

No not here. Jacky and I will go to the quiltshow that is literally up the street from us. Fun fun cant wait. Pics soon

These are the latest two mugrug finishes

My funky pineapple one

I am thinking that this one will hang on my wall in the sewing room 

Pedal to the metal sewing of 2.5 squares netted another table topper

I was driving the other day and noticed my inspection sticker expired the end of Sept.

so yesterday after work I rushed down to get one

While there i saw this adorable car.i want it.
Isnt it the cutest? Not safe with the big cars on the road but what a cutie. 
I can see me and Jacky in it now...

Yes dahling just ship all that fabric and batting to the house. It won't fit in the car

Last year when i got my sticker he had a gorgeous 57 chevy......

He also had a camper he was trying to sell to me. Lol

Wonder what he will have next year......


  1. That is a car that definitely cannot go to Costco to get toilet paper. Enjoy the quilt show.

  2. Have fun at the quilt show! That car is adorable! It would look even smaller next to an SUV!! Haha!!
