Monday, July 25, 2022

Getting hot here

This is in bloom
My dollar store gladiola
I try and plant some in remembrance of my Mom
She looooooved gladiola

The pkg on this said either solid red or solid pink
When it bloomed I was pleasantly surprised

So pretty

These guys are the steady Betty in the garden
A pop of color right up till fall

My autumn sedum is getting ready for its fall show of pink

I picked these onions as they were dried

Very disappointed
The varmints got a lot of them 

The ones left are the size of a nickel

I think the onion sets were bigger when I planted

So much for putting 120 onions in the freezer

I spent so much this year on the garden with little result 

First weather was raining every day 2 inches
Then was dry
Then deer and other animals attacked it

My kale, radishes,beets and dill wiped out
Parsley gone
Lettuce gone

They are even attacking garlic 
I guess bear, skunk,raccoon,squirrels,rabbits,deer all eat garlic

Whoda thunk

I guess God needed a farmer to feed his animals

And they ate pretty good lol



  1. You gladiola has such pretty colors!! The deer munched off all the buds on my lilies except for a couple--i didn't even get to see them bloom!!
    They have woodland all around here and why do they insist on eating my flowers? Dessert I'm guessing...
    I started quilting my Pear Ojos this morning--boy am I rusty--i may have to begin again...
    and so it goes hugs, Julierose

  2. ๐ŸŒผ Beautiful gladiolus! Very pretty marigolds.๐Ÿต Thankfully, my marigolds are hanging in there too. My little garden area is suffering because while I was so sick, I couldn't care for it. So I've been trying to doctor on it a little each day as I gain back strength. ๐ŸŒท Sounds like the animals enjoyed snacks from your plants. ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฆจ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿฟ You'd think they wouldn't like garlic, but garlic is very yummy. ๐ŸŒ Enjoy your day! ๐Ÿงก

  3. Beautiful flowers! We've been watering our plants but it's so hot and dry. Not a drop of rain today. I'm hoping for some cooler weather.

  4. Love your glads. My great grandmother got me gardening when I was little with planting them. Seriously they were eating your garlic and onions too? I am sorry you are feeding the vermin in the neighborhood.
