Thursday, October 24, 2019

A little sewing going on

Ever have one  of those mornings where nothing goes right?

Went to sew....forgot out of bobbins 
Started making bobbins.......used up all thread

Looked for more white thread.....have none

You get the gist?
I was determined to not let it stop me
I have not sewn in so long!

So i found a spool of another color and threaded the machine 

Grabbed the binding and sewed one fox

Grabbed some 2.5 greens
You know greens are good for the diet right?
Who said I had to eat them?
Made the required number of squares to finish the back piece for the tree

Yay!  Something moved further along

And No Colette......i had to keep the deer away from the greens for now
The eat everything in sight

The fox need to be a barrier there.....
But the deer will be back
I am sure of it

It is pouring rain out right now 
Feel like staying home and sewing but that is not an option so better get goin

What cha making in your sewing room?


  1. Not much goin on--still pondering about Autumn Snowballs..mostly diamond painting...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. And you laughed because I said everything I was working on was because it used white thread. I am doing a QAL almost caught up, then the quilt on the design wall, 2 more dog beds down, 2 more to go, and a charity quilt that I need to cut squares. When I change thread colors I will do my BOM, then another BOM then.....I had to go buy green thread for a charity quilt, so after I wind a bobbin it is next on the machine. I have priorities.

  3. Not much sewing today. I did hand sew my binding down. I only have one side left. I actually went out and bought white thread today! It's my favorite for piecing.
