Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The Christmas spirit



Yesterday there was a package on my step when I got home from work.

After a long day and finding out 2 more people at work have covid
Yeah......i know.....i never knew about the first ones either
I was soooo angry but anywho.....
I did errands after work and was headed in to start dinner and almost tripped over it

What could this be?
It was wrapped so pretty with a Christmas card
And just said Merry Christmas from your Southway friend

I immediately called Jacky...my Southway buddy
Nope not her she said
Who could it be?
Maybe a recipient of one of my 12 days gifts?

Sending out vibes to thank my Southway friend for my beautiful gift

It is on my tree
I love it

And Merry Christmas my friend!


  1. Awe what an awesome finish to a trying day. Seriously you have had that many cases of COVID where you work? I work in a huge grocery store and we have only had like 8. Since March!

  2. Oh Dawn, you should be tested--that is really scarey and they should have told you to begin with!! That is a lot of cases for a small business....
    I love your Secret Santa's gift ornament--so pretty!!
    Take care now Hugs on a sunny day Julierose
