Saturday, December 12, 2020

The chaotic week

Twas the week before Christmas and all through the house 
Not a creature was stirring 
Not even a mouse

The stockings were hung......operative word WERE
by the chimney with care
In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.

Theres goodies to bake and presents to wrap
After work all I can muster is a nap

The post office is fun standing in line
Wait i forgot a package at home
Grrrrr it wont get there in time

Heres hoping your preparations are going as planned 

I cant wait till 2020 is 
History i am sooooo not a fan

After the holidays we will resume our regularly scheduled program of quilting.

Masked up and 6 feet apart



  1. Your poem paraphrase is oh so true...;000
    We are totally socked in by a fog blanket this morning..I cannot even see across the street...
    Hoping your weekend goes well, Dawn...
    Hugs in the misty fog clouds Julierose

  2. There will be no family or social here from now to the new year due to my Mom's decline. I set up a little table top tree for her and displaying any cards that come in for her around it.

  3. Wait according to my calendar I have 13 days, almost 2 weeks. Tuesday is my day off and I will be hanging at the Post office for sure. Perhaps I should work on my Christmas cards?
