Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Spicing things up

My parsley is coming along 

As is the dill

And my basil

Almost ready to pack in clean jars for the season
Nice freshly dried spices
Cant beat em

What projects are you working on?



  1. Putting vacation stuff away, back to cleaning yard, and back to work. Bleh.

  2. I have some basil and rosemary that need to be dried.
    I am cutting out a quilt to sew while on vacation. Yep, I'm going to get back to the sewing machine...well, that's the plan anyway.

  3. I am working on resting my hands, wrists etc etc (Bleh!!) so basically just doing household chores, cooking etc. I decided on my new diamond painting though..it's called "Memoirs of a Geisha"--
    will be setting that one up in the next few days...
    Hugs--stay cool--it got SO HOT SO FAST!! Julierose

  4. No spices but drying my lavender - oh, love the smell.
