Friday, July 30, 2021

Am I lucky

Was cleaning up  weeds in the front garden when i found this


does that mean extra luck???

Later when i put the trash out i found three FOUR LEAF CLOVERS

Hoping it is a sign of things getting better

Have you ever found one?
They are all being pressed and then will be sandwiched between waxed paper to keep

As a kid i used to find them at my house
I had given one to my moms uncle Bill at a family reunion

They said it was in his wallet after he passed away

Hope it was lucky for him!



  1. I've never found a 4-leaf clover...I always used to lok and look though...5-leaf must mean extra luck--
    TGIF now that's lucky, right? ;)))
    hugs, Julierose

  2. I think I found one when I was a kid, or maybe I dreamt it LOL. Extra luck to you!!! Have a great weekend.
