Friday, July 2, 2021

Gotta regroup

Remember last year when Jacky had a challenge in Fall colors for me?
Yeah i surprised her by making a Christmas one and she did too. Lol

These were both gifted last year
And i really need to make more fox mugrugs

My bear brother bought a place in Maine and will move in this Fall
So he will need cute things too

I liked finding fox fabric for them

This was one nieces quilt 

Gotta get working on it 
It was a signature quilt at her wedding which was Halloween themed
Not sure if i will use blocks from witches night out to make it larger or not
Gotta decide and get er done and send out to be quilted

And in a cleaning spree i found a box of 5 inch charms
A whole box all colors 
Christmas, valentine,you name it

I will pull the blues and try to finish this one 

Never enough time 



  1. I see Dunkin has decided the blue charms are his:)))
    Those foxy mugrugs came out so lovely...nice work hugs, Julierose

  2. Nice projects! So glad to see Dunkin likes them too!
