Thursday, December 5, 2019

Ripple affect

I am so humbled. Yesterday when I got home, someone came to my door and said are you Dawn and I said yes. She handed me a wrapped Christmas gift with a card and said Merry Christmas 
 And left.
I opened it. 
She made me this crocheted candle because she was a recipient of one of my table toppers
My mind was blown. How awesome is that?
I put it on my decorated shelf and it is perfect there

I got to did she know it was me 
I signed  the card ....a neighbor from my street name
Unless someone saw me sneak the gifts in there
But she not only had to make the gift but be a detective to gift it to me.

My heart is full. The true meaning of Christmas.  Giving of oneself
(I  have no gift to bring...i played my drums for him....)

I am already planning what little project I will make multiples of for next year

Merry Christmas 


  1. Oh isn't that thoughful ;)))--and I just love how it looks--good for you--enjoy hugs, Julierose

  2. Awe that is so cool. Here I was being all scroogey about all you do, and putting stuff out...OK I have experiences. Neat decoration.

  3. That's such a nice gesture! It's a beautiful gift. Enjoy it!
