Sunday, December 29, 2019

Cats everywhere

I tried to fold clothes on the couch. 
As soon as i sat this was my view of my right hip 

He was cold and wanted to snuggle.

I need to pull out this pattern again
I know i have come across a bunch of cat fabrics and this will be a perfect quilt for them all. I like to cut fabric pieces and be ready.  I dont even remember where this came from. Maybe Pat Sloan?
Seems it was a block in a sewalong of sorts

And now my pineapple runner needs to be finished.

I hope 2020 is the year of finishes. 
I have so many ideas started and blocks ready and tops to quilt 

Maybe this will be the year......
One can hope right?


  1. I have had a case of that "start-itis" too; ')))
    I like that Kitty I Spy one a lot..that';; be so cute..
    Hugs. Julierose

  2. My furkids will nest up into newly dried clothes too - or lay in the warm dryer. That was a Pat Sloan block and would be perfect for a kitty I Spy.
