Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Not again......

My brother from Maine laughs at snow
They get 10 inches at a time. UGH
it is starting just in time for the morning commute
Just for fun
Anyone in Arizona looking to gift some snow? Let me know I will hook you up

This needs to be done still 

As does this blanket for me and Dunks

And bags are looking like the way to go for wrapping the last minute gifts

Its getting real now folks........
So close but yet so far.......


  1. We had more snow and ice - schools were closed again.

  2. It seems to keep missing us. Thank goodness.

  3. We are totally iced in--all our bushes and trees are encased in ice--so pretty--but so lethal for walking or driving. At least Mr. Sun has decided to come out..yay hugs, Julierose
