Saturday, May 21, 2022

When bored you just sew

When I get bored I just cut or grab n sew
I have 1.5,,,,2,,,,2.5,,,,3.5 inch squares all precut
Ready to play

So play I did
Simple 9 patches

THESE  squares finish at 3.5
Magically I have 3.5 cut too

If I play in 1.5 they pair with my 2.5 squares
Convenient for sure as 4 patches

Just in case I forget
I stored them in here

Then you can help me find them when I lose them or forget where they are. K?




  1. What a cute doggy tin; I personally love Russell Stover's...I hope to precut 1.5" strips this week
    hugs, Julierose

  2. You are all set for some fun play with all of the precut squares. Aren't we lucky we can look back to our blogs for clues we left about where we put something?

  3. cute tin. Sometimes I forget where I place things, and when I find them it is like a huge surprise.

  4. Beautiful 9 patch blocks! Cute tin. 🌷🌷

  5. I can't wait to get all of my stuff from storage and cut my scraps into useful pieces.
