Friday, May 20, 2022

What would Dawn do

Ha ha the dispatcher at work always calls and says to me what would Dawn do lol

If I found 8 crumb blocks cut at 10 inches

And I found a piece of thin fab I want outta the stash.. . 

I would cut triangles and put them on point

I like it

8 squares not enough? 

Plenty of crumbs in this house

Run out of the blue fab?
I can alternate with something else

See how I roll?
No worries
Be happy

At least thats my quilting life

What would you do



  1. Go with the flow, too;))0 I like the on point idea a lot--and getting some fabric out of stash is always a good thing...
    Hope your upcoming weekend is a good one-- think we are in for some heat (caliente--hot, hot hot!!); good bbq weather...hugs, Julierose

  2. You're so good at using up that stash! Try to keep cool this weekend! I wanted some warmth but not this crazy heat already!

  3. 🎢🎡 No worries, be happy...🎼🎢 That's a great sewing motto. Those are nice blocks. I think they will look great on point! 🎹
