Thursday, May 12, 2022

Strips and strings

Playing with strings again

After all the other sewing I was left with strings to play with

I need tons to put another row on that quilt so will keep on plugging away

Do you sew strings?
I keep as wide as 1 inch
I sew,sew,sew. Press. Then cut,cut,cut

Mine will be cut 5 inches by 5 inches for that old fashioned quilt

Then I can tie it and maybe keep someone warm this winter
What are you making????



  1. oooh loving how your strings are coming together!! ["Still stringing, after all these years..."] ;)))
    I am still working on my 36 patch blocks...have the next one laid out if my back is ok...
    hugs on another gray day Julierose

  2. There are some mighty pretty strings there. I save pieces as small as 3/4 inch.

  3. I look forward to getting all of my 'stuff' out of storage so that I can get to my scraps. You have a great ideas for scrappy sewing and strips are one of them.

  4. I like your strings. They will make a beautiful quilt. I'm sure it will be snuggly & warm. 🧸🪁
