Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Silver fox

One early morning as my Dad and I hoed one of the fields my Dad goes Psst Dawn look over there

It was a silver fox
I thought as a kid it was someone's dog at first

But nope
A beautiful fox 
He was very aware we were there

Probably because of his coloring

Not sure if it would be a plus or a negative for him but he sure was pretty

Speaking of the farm does anyone save seeds like me?

I know a packet is so inexpensive BUT.......
the seed you buy is usually treated with chemicals

I like to plant how nature intended


One of my young nieces made me proud

She has h er herbs and a flower for tea seeded in the house
She even made a greenhouse effect using seran wrap

AND GET THIS.........

of course I did and she is practicing her knit and purl and cast on

I was in Heaven
My daughter was never interested
Neither is my granddaughter

My niece says crochet is next

Be still my ❤  as I enjoy the wonders around us
If we look hard even on bad days we will surely see a gift from God 

That pretty sunrise
The deer that stopped to say hi
A silver fox
The bunny that crosses your path 

All gifts
All beautiful
All good for the soul

Have you seen a silver fox?
And no Julierose I don't mean Thom



  1. Ho ho--that he is (**)
    Only red foxes around here--but they are really beautiful and they trot along so purposefully--always on their way somewhere...

    When my husband was practicing marching with his Middle School Band before the Memorial Day parade, they were our behind the school and a pair of foxes trotted out right in front of them...
    the kids were amazed--some didn't even know WHAT it was ["Oooh, is it a wolf?? EEEK] Did they ever play outdoors, I wonder?
    Love your silver fox--beautiful block, Dawn...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. The fox block is going to be a nice addition to the farm quilt. I've never seen a silver fox but we had a family of red ones living in the empty lot next to our old house.
    It must be nice to have your niece interested in crafting with you. My daughter has hobbies but nothing in common with me.

  3. I have never seen a silver fox. I wonder if they are regional. Just red ones here.

  4. I had never seen a red fox until I moved to Michigan, the first one I spied was actually in downtown Detroit near an old industrial area.

  5. 🦊 I've only saw red foxes & they're rarely seen around here. They are sneaky! 🦊 That's great you are teaching your niece to knit! Awesome! 🧢πŸͺ‘ 🦊 Your fox block is very pretty!! Great fabric you made him with! 🦊
