Saturday, March 19, 2022

My grocery haul

I spent 5 bucks and got all this

Potatoes. Carrots. Peas. Summer squash. Tomatoes

Every Fri between 3 and 5 a truck pulls up to the ymca
And thru mass in motion to promote healthy eating and moving they offer this at a huge discount

A bag of 5 oranges 1 dollar 
Bag of green grapes 1 buck
I even got Thomas's raisin bagels. 2 pkg for I think 3

She only charged me 5 total which I said didn't seem right but she said yes

I am allset for the week

Every week is different
Can't wait till Friday!



  1. That is truly fantastic----and looks really good and healthy too. Nice way to shop..hugs, JUlierose

  2. What a score that wonderful fresh food is. I just paid $8 for a bag of oranges at our local store. Food prices are getting insane. Enjoy your haul!

  3. 🍇🍊🥕 Awesome foods. That's great they have such nice fresh foods at a discount! At our community building once a month, they give away a box of food, no questions asked except last name & number in household. It usually has bread, eggs, dry pasta, etc. I try to go & pick up boxes for my aunt & my aunts cousin & myself. I think it comes from Manna food Bank in Asheville NC. 🥦🫑🍅

  4. That is an amazing deal! I bet you make out quite well on Fridays.
