Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Crows and flowers

A crow and another flower

The farm was fun as a kid learning about planting and harvesting
One of the early lessons is to be aware of nature around you

Once Dad plowed up the rows, one of us would go ahead and put the seed every so far apart depending on what was planted

And another would come behind and cover them up

Well  if you didn't work as a team and stay together the crows would take advantage of the situation

They would follow behind us in the row and if the first person went way too far ahead the crow would swoop in and grab uncovered seed and boogie off to eat it. And they say animals are dumb

Of course if Dad saw that you would get lectured about staying close together so not many seeds are showing uncovered

Once we got older we didn't work in pairs
We worked alone doing the seed shuffle dance down the row

Don't know that dance? 
You would drop the seed and cover it by kicking soil with your foot then step forward and repeat with other foot

Once you had a rhythm the task would go quickly

So this is my nod to the lowly crow who kept us company as we planted seed

And for good measure I finished another flower

I am thinking I need ten flowers to make a good sized runner
Anyone have any tiny butterfly patterns? I think I need a butterfly or two on my runner

My original idea won't work the way I planned
The stem was disconnected so plan B is flowers on white background (yes yellow one in parts depth now for future project)
I am thinking 5 flowers down each edge with 2.5 strips of white between
And a butterfly or two or three in the center
We will see
I am loving working on the cheerful colors

What ate you making?



  1. Ohhhh I just love your crow story about planting with your Dad--you were a true farmer's daughter, Dawn. My Dad grew up a dairy farmer's son...I, on the other hand, was a suburbia gal in my youth...so different stories for sure...I love bird blocks--my Grand-mere and I used to sit on her porch (3 stories up) and watch the birds and listen to the church bells toll the hours on hot Summer days...such peaceful days...
    Love your little flower blocks...I must start some..hugs, Julierose

  2. I love crow blocks. Is that one in Lori's books? What size butterfly block are you thinking?

  3. Dawn, I enjoy the stories you share as you unveil each of the farm blocks. It's almost like you are writing the book to go with the quilt.

  4. Great story about planting and the crows. Cute blocks.

  5. 🐾 Your crow & flower blocks are very pretty. Im sure your dance in the field was fun!! 🦅 Hello to Dunkin! 🐱
