Thursday, May 20, 2021

Making a list and checking it twice

Does anybody else make lists?

I make to do lists
A list of finishes 
A list of the gift box

Sometimes i think if i spent less time listing and more doing i would be more productive 

But then a list of to do things tells me where i am at today

A list of finishes tells me what i have done because once finished my mind is onto the next thing
Sometimes on days when I think I am being a slug i can look at the finishes list and be satisfied that i am doing something

My other lists are drawings and ideas

Am i a paper waster?

An Einstein?

A confused soul?

Anywho my to do list for the house chores is getting longer 

I need to hire a painter, electrician, plumber and all round handyman

Maybe i should crumble this list up

Isnt there a mantra if it doesnt bring peace or make you feel happy get rid of it???

I would be in BIG trouble if i did that

Out with the bra
Out with red meat of hubs
Out with the shed
Out with .......
You get the picture 

Do you make lists?
Are they helpful?
What kind?



  1. I list "to-Dos" each morning for that day and I
    L O V E to check each item off...sometimes I only write down what I've done after the fact!! Either way is good...but no listings for projects...somehow I never got into that habit...
    I may list the next step in a project as a "To Do" for the day, but that's it...
    I guess I am a semi-listing gal ...hugs, Julierose

  2. I limit my to do lists. It makes me stressed. Oh I hear you about the handyman....they are so hard to come by anymore.

  3. Funny post! I'm a doodler, I draw pictures and ideas for quilt designs and lists of Kona cotton solid colors, because it makes me happy.
    Drawing and writing relaxes me. For me it's better than drugs.
    No side effects, no guilt , no need for detox.
    If I don't like an idea or design I just add onto it or start over.
    Say yes to doodling.

  4. off with the bra? I use the seam ripper to remove the bones and make them comfortable again!
