Monday, May 3, 2021

Lets get er done

This is so close

There is the binding cut

Just gotta iron and sew it on

Then the leftovers can use for the mugrugs i have quilted

Hoping for a finish......or two
What cha doin in your room?????



  1. Now I am working on the [not loved!!!] "berries". Will have to re-do them as they look like sick circles right now!! Maybe I should use yo-yos instead...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. Nothing at the sewing machine, I'm afraid. I'm just cross stitching and reading :)

  3. I sewed basket blocks in rows today.
    Also ripped a knitted sleeve back several rows because I realized I had misunderstood the directions. A bit tricky.
    That also means the sleeve I had finished will have to be undone. Oh well, it happens.
    The sun was out and it was a warm day, I'm happy for that!
    And you have made progress, good for you!

  4. I have no clue what I want to work at. Perhaps some housework. Bleh.
