Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Crazy busy here

i am gonna be busy

My brother got me a bushel of apples

I have been eating a lot of them. Yum

Now i need to make applesauce, apple jam,apple pie filling and put it up

Lots going on in my neck of the Woods 

Plumbing issues so tomorrow plumber coming.we already know we need a toilet sink is leaking. Can you say ka ching ka ching goes the money???

Today dryer being delivered but it is torrential rain so not sure. Moved all out of the way so house is displaced

Fri hubs dr apt and meds need to be changed and filled

Next week meeting about park sale again with membership enrollment

Next week dr apt for approval for eye surgery

Surgery on 28th if all goes well. 

Sometimes it feels surreal. I need a secretary to help me keep it all straight sometimes.



  1. WOW I guess you do, Dawnie;000
    Hope all goes well with the plumber...the rain has stopped here so perhaps the dryer delivery will be ok...fingers crossed, right?
    I am beginning my "snack bag" journey --Willa and Fiona need them to bring to school..I am making five each--so will be setting that up with fun fabrics today...(not really my "bag" tho' hahaha
    as you well know) Hoping they'll come out ok...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. You and me both need more hours in our day. Seriously it is after 10 and I should be in bed. Hugs my sweet.
