Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Cleaning up

Remember the truck runner?
The cutoffs from the jelly roll are small

Too small to make another one
So what to do

I thought of cutting down into my 2.5 bins
But then decided to sew some 

They wanted to be a mugrug

Remember the elastic shortage?

Yeah, got this shipped to me too
I guess i can make masks if i need to

Made in China 

Trying to organize and clean up my sewing room



  1. My room is a total tip!! but when I am in the process of putting a quilt together it always gets that way...does "messy" = "creative"..I'd like to think so anyway hahaha
    Stay safe out there
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. Those fabrics from the jelly roll are just too cute. LOL 110 yards of elastic huh? Is everyone getting a customer made mask for Christmas?
