Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Thls and that

Do you see what I see?
A star....a star.....yum tomato to be
Soooooo excited

Zuchinni to be as well

Baby summersquash

A Lilly with issues.  U g

I need to get this fixed

These are my fav pink ones

Any lily whisperers  out thre?



  1. Oh looks like you will have crops coming in for sure; how wonderful!! I don't know what would cause that lily problem--it kinda looks like sunburn?
    But if you haven't moved them and they've bloomed before it wouldn't be that!! A mystery...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. Great job with the veges. So sorry about the lily. Was something spilled on the lily? Wonder what would cause that???

  3. I saw an interesting video recently about squash and how to make sure they are polinated correctly.
