Saturday, June 18, 2022

Down to the wire

A free pattern for crocheted dishcloths if any of you crochet
Make now for yourself or gifts
Those yarn sales are a good way to pck up supplies too

Dunks and I have been busy
Doing  sudoku
And getting things done

Daily reads from this book keep us grounded
Thank you "Colette

We are preparing for this
Dec was the holidays and I knew we couldn't do       then in
January covid struck 

My venue, and then each of my kids houses

This was the first available time  so here we are
We are doing burgers and dogs on the grill very laid back kinda celebration

To celebrate his life
To celebrate his passing back to Jesus with no more pain

To remember him with fav foods, a cryptoquote for fun..I gave lots of hints to solve it
And to just celebrate the fun loving man he was

We have about 30 that said for sure coming so will plan for about 50

Lots going on so the blog may be quiet for a bit as we get ready

We will be back....pray for good weather and comfort for the family and pray for Richs soul

Thank you


  1. Sending prayers for a good day ahead to send Rich off to his well-deserved celebration of his life.
    I will be thinking of you...hugsx2 Julierose

  2. You are doing awesome. Good idea planning for more. Love you and hugs as you prep, this is going to be tough, it is like doing it all over again after the initial loss.

  3. Hope all it well. I'm so sorry I didn't see this until today. We have been in the camper for a week and I haven't had a chance to catch up on my blog reading.
