Tuesday, September 14, 2021

What do you mean


My barrel filled in with all the rain we had
But I noticed the one stave is broken
So it will be falling apart 

My once beautiful red maple is dead
Never turned red

Half green half dead 
I will need to get it removed

I tried to pretty up the front a bit

They have a pretty yard contest
Where I live
So I took a walk for inspiration

This guy was at the front near the road 

So still. If I don't move she won't see me lol
So cute

But the people who have the contest are do as I say not as I do
This looks like heck near the office all full of weeds

And crabgrass everywhere

Mushrooms in yards but different than mine

So I ended back home
And admired my clematis fromJulierose
Weeds and all

The walk was relaxing from my busy workday

We had electric trucks blocking our in and out driveways

An hour later we had 2 firetruck pull up
A fire in the garage

CRAZY crazy Monday for sure

Everyone is ok and the fire was put out

Hoping the rest of the week is just boring everyday stuff 

1 comment:

  1. Glad the clematis took so well...don't you love its scent? Hugs, Julierose
