Saturday, September 25, 2021

Productive sewing

Once cut these work up pretty quick

I sew assembly line style

One morning I pulled my overflowing green bin and cut for half hour

And then a half hour sewing session finished these ten

Funny I had been collecting the tissues throughout the year
Some are 6 pk.  Some are 8 pk and some are 10 pk

Wonder if i paid the same

Am thinking in Dec maybe to go door to door with hats. Scarves. These   , stove towels etc in a huge basket and let them pick a gift
.no wrapping for me And they get to choose 

I could throw in a few cat and dog treats too
For the cuties that live here

Just a small gesture to say hey somebody cares about you.
There are many here that are alone for the holidays
It breaks my ❤  coming from a big family

Do you give little gifts to neighbors?
Those jar openers are quick too and so handy
As are those magnets of the glass that is flat on one side

Easy peasy quick projects
Very little cost
I got the tissues for a dollar 
So what .20 each plus my scraps and time

Chapstick Keychain, masks and maybe  hand sanitizer Keychain will be on the list too

I have about 15 towels and ten of these already
A couple hats and scarves
Almost 30 gifts already in no time
I must surely have magnets in my gift box too

Dollar store has those cute round tins that holds 4 to 5 I think
People here also like to read and do puzzles so a 20 dollar trip to the dollar store may be in order

A fun unexpected gift visit for the winter 
Maybe right after Thanksgiving

Anyone have cute cat and dog ideas?
I have seen catnip mice or those longer toys the cats grab and kick with their hind legs
Those are easy
Dogs I need maybe treats
People today I think give healthy ones like sweet potatoes?  Or is there a toy I can make that won't get shredded and harm them 

Let me know any ideas you may have
Maybe a pouch to hold doggie poo bags?
We have small dogs up to boxers here

The giving season is almost upon us.



  1. I love your tissue holders! And you are kind to think of your neighbors! I'll bet that makes their day too.
    I see in previous posts you are thinking of holiday sewing, it is fall now isn't it? I don't have dedicated sewing space, I have to set up and tear down whenever I sew because I sew on the kitchen table that everyone here uses for eating.
    But that's okay I just don't get to sew often and so my projects tend to get backed up. Probably won't be doing much holiday sewing. Someday! I just thought of something, holiday hot pads are easy, maybe I could do that?
    I enjoy seeing what you're planning, thanks for sharing.

  2. I love that you are making all these little gifts! Something for a dog is a rectangle the size of a 16oz. water bottle. You put the empty bottle in the pouch and sew the bottom shut. My dogs love to crinkle the plastic bottle. Hugs,
