Thursday, September 23, 2021

Lots of distractioms

When at Walmart getting prescriptions  I saw this baby set
A couple of my nieces hunt or have hunting partners
This was a 3 piece set

I loved it

But none of them are pregnant

How fun........
Sorry for those against hunting
They eat the meat so are not killing for sport and if not thinning out herds we would all be sick as would the deer

God intended we live off the land not grocery stores l

I spied this guy hanging out in my screenroom

TWICE I tried to put him outside
He was not having it and tried to bite me 

Ok dude
Stay here and starve you dummy
He is huge too

A little distraction of the sewing kind

Another little quick project
Those kleenex for the purse

Cut 5.5 x 6.5.  And 5.5 x 7.5 for accent border

Easy to do
Sew short ends.yes it will be bigger on one that makes the piping look
Turn right sides flat
Will leave 1/4inch of contrast on each side
Fold into the center both sides and sew up short sides.
Clip corners  turn and stuff with kleenex pack 

Uses small scraps
Looks cute 
Nice tuck in gift
Keeps kleenex clean in purse

What's not to love right?
With matching strips you could make matching Keychain for chapstick too

I will cut some out as pieced for masks may be too narrow or short
Maybe I can get this out of it

Trying to use up the smaller stash and replenish with the layer cakes and fat quarters for fresh new sewing



  1. Ugh--what is that bug?? ;000
    Cute kleenex pouches...nice works in progress...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. The tissue pouches are a great idea. So often my packs get into the bottom of my purse and squished out of the plastic and nasty! I've made them before and you've inspired me to make more.

  3. That bug is scary looking! Love the tissue pouches. Such great gifts!

  4. I am with Julierose what is that bug?!?! Oh those little hunting shirts are sweet. Love your tissue pouches.
