Friday, January 29, 2021

Jan so far

This so far is what I have finished in January
3 small quilrs, 2 hats, dishcloth, 3 zip bags,
2 bibs, 3 mugrugs,
And not sure if i forgot anything

A good start........
With more in the works

Traffic jam is a flimsy and some runners are being looked at to be finished

I am a happy girl



  1. You really have gotten so many lovely things finished, Dawn--congrats on a very productive month...
    Me, not so much--still plugging along on hand quilting geese (66 left to go!! ) and doing the endless log cabin rounds...long term projects for sure...hugs, Julierose

  2. You've had a great month! I can't seem to get out of my own way lately! I've got to get back on track.

  3. Whoa! I'd be a happy girl also, if I had accomplished all of that. January is typically a loooong month but, for some reason, this one just seemed to fly by. ???
