Saturday, January 15, 2022

Baby steps

Every night I try to do a few rows on this 

It's almost done
I really need to make more
Mine have seen better days for sure lol


This has grown quite a bit
I think this is the all red one

And this is the red and white one

But these are supposed to be paperwhites
Not looking promising 

But hey. Baby steps right?

My great niece who is one on the 22nd just learned she can walk a few steps
She is so funny too 

If she goes from mom to her brother she then claps yay for herself
So adorable
Maybe I should learn from her

Baby steps

No need for a marathon to get from here to there 

All in due time

But progress has been made at Dunkins house 
Yes his name is now on the deed per his request



  1. Oh no the master has taken over! Dogs have masters. Cats have staff. Are you allowed to sleep in the bedroom still, or have you been relegated to the living room? I had to take some baby steps on my afghan after Bobbin tore through the house, caught the yarn out of a bag somehow and unraveled the skein. URGH!

  2. You do a little bit at a time. Those little steps start to add up. Everything takes time. I hope you're warm this morning. It's 0 this morning. Brr!

  3. Baby steps are good--i am baby stepping through the house on this super cold day--trying to get some short walks in...Your amaryllises are coming out so well--mine is done blooming and cut back awaiting the Summer to go am I!!;000
    hugs, Julierose
