Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Pie anyone

Since this was cut
I sewed it up
It made me say swear words lol
The curvy crust was a bear to do
But it is done ready to go

On Sundays Gram who lived next door used to usually have company

Her brother from Rhode Island
Her daughter and husband. My aunt and uncle

And it usually meant if i slept over on Sat
Yes we watched Lawrence Welk....
And Bobby and Sissy anda one and da two..

Well if i slept over we were making dessert
Usually apple pie for her visitors

No measuring here
Feel the dough and add whats needed she said
As a 13 year old that was hard to do
Whats it supposed to feel like
Feels like dougb to me
We only used cortland apples which we got at a local orchard

Ummmmm i can smell it baking now
And leftover dough?
Cinnamon rolls
Roll it out
Butter it
Sugar and cinnamon 
Then cut strips and roll up
Bake with the pie till brown
 And you wondered where I got these hips right?

Heres my apple pie making at Grams block




  1. Oh I used to "help" Grand-mere roll dough, too...and those cinnamon chunks were so melty good out of the pie is still my times...
    Your block came our wo beautifully--those
    scallop-ey bits look challenging for sure...
    Great job hugs, Julierose

  2. Cute block. Yep make the cinnamon roll type things with the left over dough still.
