Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Next pillow up


This cutie goes with the deer pillow and placemat set

The hardest part is finding backing that is kinda muted

My stash is mostly smaller than a fat quarter lol

Will quilt this up and get er done
I love these quilted pillows with envelope back
Easy to make
Easy to clean 
A win....win

Can I find something cute
 for pillows for sis??? 

Maybe theme it with a scented yankee candle
Like apples and apple candle
Or holiday pillow and spruce candle or bayberry

That may be the ticket


  1. Very cute pillow. I love making pillows, well at least the front. I always am slow finishing.

  2. Really adorable pillow, Dawn..such a cute image on Mrs. Fox...;)))hugs, Julierose

  3. You are full of great gift ideas!
