Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Another block dedicated to Gram

Love this block
A take on Red heart yarn lol
And a rememberance of a group of us kids
Sitting under the hickory nut tree 
With Gram and our yarn and crochet projects

She was making blankets or Afghans 

Some of us were practicing our chain stitch
But fun nonetheless
I used to love threadwork and fancy doilies

Do you crochet or knit?

Who taught you?

This is another farmgirl block for the quilt



  1. My Grand-mere taught me to knit--lovely remembrance block of Red heart yarn for your farm girl project!
    this will be such a wonderful memory quilt, Dawn;)))
    hugs, Julierose

  2. Great block. Coming from another culture we didn't learn to knit or crochet. I taught myself, but I kind of do it poorly.

  3. I use to crochet when my kids were little. I have all my great grans and great auntys doilies and fancy runners - love that stuff.

  4. Cute yarn block. I taught myself how to crochet and I took knitting classes at a shop.
