Thursday, March 4, 2021

Planning of another kind

With rain and temperatures getting warmer i find myself thinking about the gardens

What will i plant?
Where will the pots go?

These will need to be moved as soon as i see them pop up

I still have a couple bags of this so will freshen up my containers

Summer squash did awesome last year
As did my herbs
I dried rosemary and thyme and sage and oregano
Lemon balm too
Fun to use in recipes

Saw homemade tea recipes
I may need to try that someday

Are you planning a garden?
What cha puttin in?

I found if i put a pot of sage or marigolds between each tomato or squash that the deer and animals kinda left them alone

Bonus........sage for my dried herb collection
And pops of marigold color

We use lots of kale in soup so need to find a good variety  to plant
Lettuce,  tomato,  basil
I may be able to scrounge some plants from brother 
I only need one or two of each lol
He plants probably half an acre in maine
And another garden in mass

Wish i owned land
I would have nuts and fruit trees

Waiting to see whats up today.
Hubs went by ambulance to hospital last night
He was shaking uncontrollably
When i called at 3am they said he has pneumonia and they were keeping him

I havent slept and not going in to work today



  1. We have been discussing the garden, installing the greenhouse, moving the brood house. So much to do, and too little time. :( Keeping you and Rich in my prayers.

  2. My husband does all the gardening. Most of the plants I touch tend to die. Please update us on how Rich is doing. Saying prayers.

  3. Hope Rich is doing better...hard days....
    I am going to do herbs and marigolds this year...
    hugs, Julierose
