Sunday, March 7, 2021

Flimsy fashion show

As i was cleaning looking for my next project to finish 
I found some i had forgotten. Have to put these all in one spot so i can get em done

My scrappy trips lap top

One made of a Christmas charm pack I had laying around
I think Jacky and i got them to make a challenge block for a contest or something
I renember a stocking  or something like that

A clean up of salad greens
Also charms or 5 inch squares i cut

Some 2.5 blocks sewn into strips with solud green to seperate

Unfortunately this is the tip of the iceburg only 

If i could get these quilted i would have my Christmas list done 

Do you have a flimsy line of projects too?
My room is so small that quilting is not comfortable
I would need to hit the lottery to have them all done

Thinking i should grab at least one and try and handquilt it up
Maybe by Dec i could have it done 




  1. Yes I have quite a few flimsies--I put them on hangers and they are on one side of my spare room closet--waiting impatiently to get finished...;000
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. I do have a few flimsies that need quilting. They are in storage, ugh. I also have all of the blocks finished for last year's FQS BloomTopia quilt...they are in a box waiting to become a flimsy.

  3. You have some great quilts there. I have a portable clothes rack, well actually 2 that have my flimsies on them.
