Thursday, March 25, 2021

Dangerous place

When getting prescriptions at Wally world
I saw a sign

Fat quarters .97
And they were waverly solids which i need for the postage stamp quilt

Yep dangerous!

So i grabbed a few

Started cutting 
And figured if i  make about 4 or 5 blocks
Of each color that i will be doing good.

Found this too
Ran out of some fabrics so will substitute

First things first 

I think me needs some bobbins wound so i can keep on going

This little project gives me a feeling of that squirrel you chase when a project gets you stumped or bored

March has not been as good for finishes
I DID move things along a little.



  1. Pretty fabrics. I haven't been to Walmart in a couple of years. I noticed that my store has some small fabric bundles too.

  2. Neat loot!! Those are just perfect for your little squares...what fun hugs, Julierose

  3. You scored big! Those would make a great leader / ender project while you are stitching up other things.

  4. Fat quarter solids! Very tempting, yes, and you're moving things forward too.
    The little piece of fabric with the acorn fairy is cute.
    Onto filling the bobbins, important time saver, thanks for reminding me.

  5. I don't shop Walmart, but good buy on your solids! Progress is better than nothing. I just wound my set of bobbins today to be ready for some serious miniature block sewing this weekend.
