Saturday, February 27, 2021

Here comes Peter cottontail

I started taking this dollar tree bunny apart to make her pretty

Does anyone watch Barb from the shabby tree?
She makes beautiful things out of nothing
She is on facebook, instagram, youtube and has a blog crafting with the shabby tree

Anywho she inspired me to do this comes the tinsel stuff


No this is not a snack
Believe it or not it is plastic
Cant tell you the looks i got when it was in my cart
Thinking i opened chocolate and put it on my things

Found these suede yarns in my stash
The rust may become the new carrot
We will see

I was gonna use this
But white fake fur may be used too

Forgot i had these gems
I had better create faster huh.

Will let you know how she comes out.
Barb wrapped hers in jute with a black gingham bow and it was adorable

Are you decorating for Easter?


  1. Thanks for the tip on Shabby Tree site...will check her out...Looking forward to seeing how your bunny gets "dressed up" ;))) hugs, Julierose

  2. I watch Shabby Tree, too. My daughter turned me on to her - but I'll let my daughter do the crafty stuff with my granddaughter.
