Saturday, October 3, 2020

The good the bad and the ugly

 With all going on around here,  there is some good

The plumber came and fixed our leak for 150 was something minor which is good. We were thinking all new vanity and pipes underneath.

The bad is we got the new dryer. One makes a loud obnoxious noise when the cycle has 5 min to go and when its done. Dunkin runs and it scares us all. There is no way to stop it. Ugh

So now i need to run to the dryer before that stupid buzzer. I guess i will be fit as a fiddle running,  right?

I only need a row of 2.5 squares to be a good size i think

As for the ugly, that is the world right now

So much negativity 
So much lawlessness
Nobody being nice or responsible
All for themselves

Doesnt anyone remember the seven deadly sins?


I see more and more of these behaviors as normal now which scares me.
What have we become? We need to rope ourselves in and think before we speak and act 
I am sad to imagine the world my grandchildren will live in.

On a positive note, i will try my best to be a better person than i was yesterday and to take the Lords hand on this journey called life on Earth.
I think we need God now more than ever


  1. Yes, sadly our times are in a low negative mode. Tonight's news (which I did watch for the first time since May) was sobering...hoping calmer heads will prevail and our election gives us the changes we need...hang in there kiddo--all we can do is try our best and V O T E hugs, Julierose

  2. Yay for the bathroom. LOL Boo for the dryer noise. Yep I totally agree. I noticed something lately. I almost feel that since our president so blatantly lies all the time people feel it is OK to do it too now.
