Monday, October 12, 2020

Columbus day


I did this at the car garage while waiting
A transformer blew while they were working on cars and no generator
This dishcloth is mine from the end tails of other yarn....waste not want not
It will still work doing the dishes right?
Anywho, today is Columbus Day 
In 1492 columbus sailed the ocean blue in the nina, pinta and santa marie

Here are some of my "discoveries"
Fabric misplaced and dont know why i pulled it out

Project supplies that need to be worked on and finished

Dunkins Christmas gift 
A new mat for under his dishes 
He is such a messy eater

Pillow forms waiting for pillows to be made

Yeah. Lots to do in this mess of a sewing room
Maybe I will be able to work on things uf i can organize 

Who knows. I too may discover a whole new world 


  1. Pull one project and get it done - makes room. Pull another and get it done - more room. One project at a time will do more clearing than organizing does.

  2. Those hand knitted cotton dishcloths are the best...
    yellow is a perfect color for now--all our leaves are yellow=ey they seem to glow in the rain against the dark gray skies...
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. Yes, Happy Columbus Day to you and yours!
    I was looking thru my odds and ends this morning and did a little organizing/rearranging and finished four string blocks that I had been purposefully ignoring. Good to get a little something done.
    And wash cloths are so useful! Easy to overlook but so needed.

  4. I try to work on things at least through a step. Then I can set it aside. I also have lots of bins full of projects, and I keep a spreadsheet with my projects and where I am working on them, and when the last time I touched the project.
