Saturday, August 27, 2022

Tuckered out

This guy is funny

He was so tired he fell asleep on his toy lol

He is determined to get that ball out of tge track running on the edge

And I need to ask
Does anyone else do this?
I had been given by the big boss a $100 gift card to Michael's 
Actually 2 of them 
One says 2018 on the card and one 2020.
The 2020 one I get with covid etc I was going nowhere just to shop if not needed
The other one I must have hidden well

So I called to see if they deduct or expire and I think I will go shopping as the full value is there

My lucky day huh 😒



  1. oooh Michaels shopping is always fun...enjoy the cards...
    Lil Dunkin sure is tired out!!
    hugs, Julierose

  2. I hope both cards are still good. There used to be some that slowly decreased in value but I think that got taken care of.

  3. Wow, what a find. Can't wait to see what you buy with the cards.
