Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Passing the time

I was supposed to be back to work today

But the funeral home said I was exposed to covid

So I am quarantining till next Tuesday 

What's a gal to do
I pulled some little ducks I had and paired with
2.5 squares into rows
Grabbed a black jelly strip and sewed them up

Thinking maybe placemat for Dunks?

Then I spied the masks buried under something
Elastic was cut and ready
So sewed them up too
They are reversible

Came across odd strips and selvage and made little parts 

They will either become mug rugs or bag or parts
2 more masks done too

Right now the house smells yummy
Cranberry orange nut bread is baking


After all I hear vitamin c helps ward off covid right?

Just another day in the life 

What are you making?
I need to plan my 2022 projects



  1. No real plans as yet until I get better...
    Cute little duck-ey strips...hang in there kiddo
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. I hope you are feeling well in spite of COVID exposure and I hope the funeral home is doing what they are supposed to be doing.

  3. Glad to see you are doing a little sewing. Keep well. Staying healthy, by eating right, getting plenty of sleep and exercise will keep you well.

  4. that's why I drink orange juice and oranges!

  5. Hope you don't catch Covid (had it a couple of yrs ago before all the vaccines available). Take time to enjoy yourself.My only thought looking into next year is to get that pile of quilts quilted! I'll be doing blog hops again, but staying to small pieces to they are finished.
