Saturday, December 11, 2021

Crazy year crazy week

I love this guy
He has been by my side keeping me grounded

Nudging me for kisses

This year I lost my quilt buddy in Feb and now this 

Hardest job I ever have had to do

Take a front row seat and watch my love of my life fade away from me

He keeps saying he is sorry he us a burden
He is not a burden
I just can't do this without crying

We have been in shock
From the weekend waiting to get tests and lung issue solved to solve back pain

To Tuesday looking like a stroke and we'd being told he is coming home on hospice end of life care and he may make it thru the holidays

I am numb
Angry that we were blindsided
Frustrated that he can't tell me if he is comfortable or what I need to do

I feel like I am pumping him with pills but I know it takes the pain away

He doesn't eat or drink much now
He did have some of his fav meals that diabetes took away
Donuts? OK now  no insulin needed
Beer and alcohol on all these meds? OK if he wants some
Marijuana OK to help sleep

It's crazy
God bless the hospice people who are so nice and helpful
My husband and I had talked before all this so we know what he wants for final wishes

I hope my daughter gets here before it happens as he is weaker and not good 

Thank you all for your prayers at this time.
And for continued prayers after for my sanity will also be appreciated 

Tell someone you love them
Hug them tight
You never know when it will be the last time

With God's promises  and help I will get through this

I may need my quilting buddies support a little more too

Thanks for listening to this sad angry confused old lady
Love you 



  1. I cannot imagine how difficult this must be for both of you...I can only hope that you both can find some moments of peace and that Rich can be pain free.
    Hugs and many prayers Julierose

  2. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I know it's really hard. I'm sure you're taking good care of your husband. Try to rest and take of yourself when you can. I'm thinking of you and your family.

  3. Hope your daughter makes it there, especially after all the crazy weather the last couple of days. Praying for peace and comfort for Rich, and peace for you. Take care of yourself.

  4. Visiting from Julierose's blog - sending so many virtual hugs and prayers your way. Words are so inadequate.

  5. Dear Dawn, know you are doing all you can. I am so sorry this has happened. Praying for you both! Love and hugs to you, my friend.

  6. Dawn, sending prayers to Our Heavennly Father for you & your family. God will bless you with strength. You are so sweet & kind. 💚❤
