Friday, December 3, 2021

Handmade Christmas

My sewing buddy niece that snuck me to Joannes made this for me
It's a gingerbread house she painted in memory of all the gingerbread houses we made in the past 

Love it! I can put a single bulb light in back to light it up too

Her Dad. My brother.....bear brother lol made me this one year
Every year it comes out to remind me of his love
Logs cut with his 2 hands and candle holes bored
Love this too

Excuse the sink photo.i have not put it in its place yet

Another niece made me this when she was 8
She is 29 and holding lol
Every year he comes out too

She has 2 younguns now and always asks for crafty ideas for them

Love my handmade gifts
Knowing that they came from the heart

Worth more to me than gold

Does your family do handmade gifts?



  1. I am the only handmade gift person in our family---sadly..I think my DIL would do some, but she works and has the two small girls--so perhaps when they get older as they all do crafts together?
    I love your Gingerbread house--it is just beautiful..she is very talented...
    This year I only was able to make 2 banners--usually I will make lap quilts for gifts...
    i have two lovely panels that I want to use for Willa and Fiona of Fairies...but they will have to wait until i can move around again...
    Hugs--Christmas is so full of memories isn't it?

  2. I love family gifts you received. All of them are super special. I'm the only crafter in my family!
