Friday, October 7, 2022

Leaf me alone


I have been trying to get ready for the winter and holidays 

My new friend is doing Thanksgiving at her house for me and her and her hubs

I am doing Christmas here for me, them,and 2 other neighbors
Problem is the one neighbor I had it out with is a gossip and friends with the other 2 coming

I don't want to cancel but yet I don't want to be gossip fodder to the other one. Dawn did this, said this etc so will play it by ear

Sad how negative people can hurt many
I just wanted to spend the holiday with friends who would ordinarily spend it alone 
Simple agenda

Not gonna let it take up any more real estate in my head
So I sewed some trees

I managed a total of 5

I was proud of myself

I am not even halfway yet but every little bit counts 

Sorry if I worried you by not posting

I am fine
Been fall cleaning 
Bought new chairs 
Had damaged one to deal with
That's ok now
Then had drunk neighbor almost take out my house
Was stressed and am every time he isn't home
Makes it a crazy world these days

What happened to my peaceful neck of the world



  1. Great trees for your collection--:)))
    Sadly everything changes--sorry about your neighborhood woes...that can't be fun...TGIF--hoping you have a great weekend hugs, Julierose

  2. I hope everything works out in your neighborhood. Your trees look great. You should have a forest by spring.

  3. Love your trees. It shouldn't be so hard to plan a nice holiday but then worry about certain people. People can be so weird!

  4. 🌳🌲🌴 Praying for all your neighbors to get along & enjoy one another's company. Some people can be so mean & hurt so many people by being jealous over others. Hope you have a nice dinner at your home. God has your back! 🦃🍂🍁

  5. Love your trees. The new neighbors who bought my other house have been out and about working on it. The neighbors who hate me couldn't wait to go over to gossip. LOL
