Monday, September 5, 2022

The trees will be expanding

This came the other day

Dunkin and I have both ordered things so I didn't think anything of it 
UNTIL I realized it was from Julierose 

Yes THE Julierose we all know and love 

She sent me a happy package 
To help the trees along 

I mean look at a lot this fun  fabric

Lots of tree possibilities in here

See how fun?
 I can't wait to cut some out and get going again

Love love love these

I am the luckiest girl 👧
I have such wonderful friends 
And I appreciate each one 

I see trees in my future 
For sure f or sure

Thank you thank you so much



  1. Oh so happy to help you "plant" some more trees in your beautiful Arboretum--hugs, Julierose

  2. You received some very pretty fabrics for your ever growing forest. Julierose was very kind and generous.

  3. What beautiful fabrics! I can't wait to see the trees growing!!

  4. The forest is growing! 🌳🌲🌴
