Friday, September 23, 2022

Almost a finish

I am sewing binding FINALLY on this couch quilt

Yep a quilt for ME

it was a snowball quilt I had started after Julierose had started one

Not sure if a Pat Sloan quilt along or what

But I took my blues and made the snowballs

Paired then with white and made a small couch quilt

My new curtains are a navy color so it will look nice

Trying to get things together for the holidays

A woman's work is never done, right?????



  1. I think your blue and white snowball quilt will look
    so lovely as a couch quilt. And will keep you warm on these coming colder days...only 46 here early this morning--(yup, Winter's a'comin' ). Nice to see a quilt for youself;))))
    hugs, Julierose

  2. 💙💙 Beautiful blue snowball quilt. 💙💙

  3. So true, woman's work is never done. I could make a long list of things I don't want to do too, but it will all eventually get its day.

  4. Whew I am all caught up reading your posts. Love your forest it is coming along, and hurray for Julierose and Wander for contributing to the trees. Grapes are evil when it comes to canning....but great job sticking with it. As to life going pear shaped, I am with you all the way sister! I have been dealing for a couple months of one thing after another. Today was actually a good day, all day for the first time in a long time.
