Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Drip no more

This faucet dripped constantly

Told my brother from Maine about it on Christmas

The day after he texted me
Are you home or bargain shopping?

I am home

K i will be over

He,my Dad and one other brother came over tools in hand to fix it

They couldnt get parts for it because its old
So they went to Home Depot
Bought a new faucet
And installed it

When i asked to pay for the faucet they told me it was ten bucks a Christmas special

They were always fibbers as kids lol

They wouldnt let me pay

Merry Christmas to me!

One nagging project done



  1. Oh isn't that a great Christmas surprise gift!!:)))
    nothing beats family, that is for sure...I am knitting away on my purple dishcloth for sewing of late...hugs, Julierose

  2. That was a great gift from them. I had to have my faucet replaced the last time it was dripping too. The plumber said one part broke as he was removing it and there was no way to get it out. I have better water pressure with the new so it was time to do it and I'm happy too.

  3. Woohoo for a non drippy faucet, and how sweet of them to take care of you.

  4. Your brothers & Dad were very sweet to fix your faucet. 🦋✨️ Please give Dunkin a snuggle from me. Take care. You are loved so much! 💛
